
  • Нозиля Мурадовна Ашурова


government procurement, budgetary organization, procurement system, regulation, control


The article discusses the issue of improving the mechanism for organizing public
procurement in budgetary organizations, which is an important task for many countries. Public
procurement plays a significant role in the use of public resources and ensuring the effective
functioning of government organizations. This paper examines the main aspects of improving the
mechanism for organizing public procurement in budgetary organizations. The purpose of this
research is to provide an overview and analysis of proposals for improving the mechanism for
organizing public procurement in budgetary organizations. This will allow us to better understand
the current challenges and problems in this area, as well as offer practical recommendations for
improving the public procurement process and the effective use of budget funds.
The article describes aspects and methodological foundations that influence the
improvement of the public procurement mechanism. Further, the article proposes a number of
measures and recommendations to improve the mechanism for organizing public procurement in
budgetary organizations. These measures include improving the legislative framework, increasing
transparency and openness of the process, strengthening control and accountability, and
developing effective mechanisms for assessing the quality of purchased goods and services.
In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of improving the mechanism for
organizing public procurement in budgetary organizations to ensure the effective use of budget
funds and prevent corrupt practices. The author calls for further research and implementation of
the proposed measures to improve the public procurement system in the public sector.


Закон Республики Узбекистан, от 22.04.2021 г. № ЗРУ-684.

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