
  • Nargiza Baхriddinovna Talapova

Ключевые слова:

social sphere management mechanism, state support for the social sphere, efficiency of financial support, performance-oriented budgeting


The article deals with the issue of the problems of financial support of social sectors and their solution. As is known, one of the main goals of the economic policy of the modern state is the full financial support of a viable system of social support for the population, focused on the comprehensive development of citizens and social alignment. Effective financial support of the social support system requires the development of a scientifically based methodology and financial mechanisms built into the market economy within the framework of clearly defined social policy priorities, especially in the field of higher education, as it is an important and priority direction in the development of the country's economy. World economic history knows many different models for financing social spending, almost all of them are known. The main characteristic of financing the social sphere is its share in the gross domestic product, in other words, the share in the total economic well-being of the people, which allows us to assess the degree of attention of the latter to certain sectors, compare their importance with each other, and also make international comparisons. An analysis of the financing of social expenditures is impossible without considering the structure of their sources. Despite the fact that in the context of growing fees for all types of services, one often gets the impression of the leading and, at the same time, constantly increasing importance of private financing, statistics show that this is not the case. Thus, although, of course, the role of private sources is significant, it is not predominant. In practice, attention is focused on the qualitative aspect of the costs of educational institutions related to the social sphere, in the processes of cost planning, the terms "cost obligations" and "result-oriented budgeting" are widely used, which is focused on the effectiveness of this area. Accordingly, in this research are considered and analyzed solutions for the financial provision of social sectors in Uzbekistan.

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